At Qvinci, we listen to your input, resolve issues, and regularly enhance our platform’s capabilities to provide a more powerful, productive, and profitable solution for our customers. – Actionable financial insights everyone understands!
December 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- NFS users and Bulk NFS users can now sync more than 3 years of NFS data when Extended Sync is enabled.
- NFS templates are now a living document so NFS users no longer have to download a new template each year.
- Extended Sync users now have functionality past 3 years when using the General Ledger Activity “Choose Date Range.”
- Revised QuickBooks button(s) in Qvinci web to align with Intuit’s branding per 2022 Intuit Compliance Review (Qvinci teamed up with QuickBooks in 2022 as single-source provider of both.)
- Streamlined onboarding process by removing the SCoA options when creating a new Company/Client.
- Replaced inactive “Schedule an Appointment with Customer Success” text link on the SCoA selection page with a URL to Scheduling Help page.
- Reduced size of Header for ReportStyler for Preview page layout so double scroll bar is replaced by single scroll bar, enhancing usability.
- Resolved issue of unsuccessful merge after successful sync.
November 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Enhanced usability by disallowing the Advisory Portal to refresh when comparison periods are changed. This revision eliminates issue of UserFlow re-loading the entire page in the middle of the UserFlow workflow.
- Refactored the Excel Sync “null Franchise” Telemetry E-Mail so it uses the standard system e-mail services instead of its own private copy, now providing information on which server sent the e-mail.
- Implemented extended syncing capabilities:
- QBO users can read and load more than 36 months.
- Ensured QBO by class will upload more than 36 months.
- Enabled bulk syncing of Excel files for Extended Sync users.
- Enhanced usability by tying the Weeks, Periods, and Years created via the Accounting Calendar generation to the same named frequencies in the GL Weekly Report.
- Created system for logging GL Weekly Roll Up Jobs to help with debugging and troubleshooting GL weekly issues.
- Resolved issue of GL Weekly Frequency/Date Range: By Week/Last Period timing out in Report Service.
- Fixed the method call from the GL Weekly to the Legacy Weekly Helper so GL Weekly non-Sunday aligned by Week reports without interruption.
- Resolved issue of GL Weekly column choosers that use By Year frequency not returning data.
- Resolved issue of the By Period reports skipping over period of 2022 in GL Weekly. Now By Period reports in GL Weekly determine the previous and current years, no longer skipping a period.
- For Xero leads:
- Implemented the Xero SSU “low lift” workflow per the Xero App Store.
- Implemented page dedicated to Xero next steps instead of the main
- Improved error handling on phone numbers to ensure all new lead emails are successful.
- Revised Xero New Lead Workflow so that the connection made between Qvinci and the user’s Xero account is disconnected after the user’s account information is processed.
- Enhanced user experience by pre-selecting first radio button option as default when Base Report users click “Vertical Analysis,” eliminating any potential confusion for the user.
- Resolved issue of unmapped Peer Benchmarking “friendly messages” only working if the BASE report is P&L or Balance Sheet. “Friendly messages” now also work for Peer Benchmarking Base reports imported into Report Editor.
- Prevented potential issues by restricting Report Editor users from saving reports with tab names with more than 24 characters, which would have caused LinkRef errors in Preview due to GL click-through.
October 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Enhanced functionality by adjusting the Xero financial queries to sync more than 3 years.
- Revised permission setting so user can be set as Entity Viewer OR Entity GL Viewer on the same entity, but NOT both simultaneously, as setting simultaneously blocked leaders/admins from being able to view the user’s permissions. Issue is fully resolved.
- Enhanced customer experience by adding a Confluence documentation page with instructions for Customer Success on how to use GetOpenField to display the embedded Qvinci information that’s stored in a QuickBooks file, enabling Customer Success to more fully and speedily support customers’ needs.
- Enabled Sunday Aligned GL Weekly Rollups with GL Weekly Validation without enabling the GL Weekly UX so that GL Weekly Rollups can be validated with Live data without Customer accessibility to the UX. Customer maintains accurate data while validation occurs on backend.
- Revised code to guarantee Legacy P&L Weekly enabled Company/Client is always Sunday aligned, assuring the new GL Weekly work will not negatively affect Legacy P&L weekly reports.
- Tied the By Week frequency of the Accounting Calendar to the same named frequency in the GL Weekly Reporting.
- Enhanced GL Validation so QBO files auto-validate on Live.
- Removed extra Bootstrap initialization for failing unit test, ensuring they will now run correctly when run in parallel with other unit tests.
- Added modules to fix broken unit tests caused by additional dependencies necessary for GL Weekly reporting.
- Resolved issue of Last Two Fiscal YTD issues with GL Weekly & QBO – giving different results and/or sometimes throwing the “Something Went Wrong” error. Refactored date calculations for start and end of last two fiscal years so it would not be recursive.
- Performed quarterly server, storage, and security maintenance 2022 Q4.
September 2022
New Feature Releases
- Increased limit of native accounts mapped in Advanced Mapping from 6,000 to 10,000 across all accounts since Qvinci has increased its syncing of historical data.
- Added yellow column in the Advisory Portal to allow current user to indicate for other users that a file has been updated to the Reporting Date (As Of Date) for current month.
- Added extra 20 months of offset for monthly based reports, available for By Month / Total / Entity / Property / PoP, 6 Quarters by Quarter, and 1 Year by Year Options.
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Enhanced usability by enabling user to keep their Sort & Filter options when drilling down into reports and then returning to the Advisory Portal.
- Enhanced usability by implementing consistent popup information for users hovering over hot cells when using the Advisory Portal.
- Resolved issue of inability to sync financial Excel file via Tools > Bulk Sync Excel due to Qvinci rolling out the Excel Extended Syncing. Users can now consistently sync single financial Excel files via Bulk Sync.
- Removed Sparklines menu options for Sparklines that are not supported in Excel by updating GrapeCity Design Ribbon.
- Improved user experience by shortening text on the Manage- > Client/Company section for purpose of clarification and readability. Text now shows as: “Warning! Making these changes will require a manual re-sync of your QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online file(s).”
- Improved usability by defaulting Report Editor new sheet cells to bottom vertical alignment instead of top vertical alignment.
- Resolved issue of QBD Sync upload sometimes failing due to timing out during data merging. Increased SPROC timeout from 200 seconds to 360 seconds. QBD Sync uploads consistently now.
- Improved usability by requiring that Basic Report P&L and Balance Sheet Peer Benchmarking users and are now only able to run a Peer Benchmarking P&L mapped.
- Resolved issue of broken pagination on Franchises/Companies, Sync History, User, and most other pages in the Admin Portal by adding code to the PagingViewModel to actively change pages on pagination.
- Enhanced user experience by aligning Account Name adjacent to Name in Manage > SCoA by updating the element’s CSS property.
- Improved user experience by revising text on the Chat with Customer Service page to coincide with color of Help button to eliminate potential of confusion.
- Updated and published the BI-KPI Auto Report with new content.
- Updated and published the new BI-KPI Auto Ratios, Trends and Forecasting gallery report.
August 2022
New Feature Releases
- Enhanced By Property frequency usability by enabling Filters to apply to by Property ROMs.
- Admin Portal now displays and stores number of years a Qvinci customer can sync.
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Resolved issue of By Property frequency with an As Of Date other than Today returning calendar year instead of fiscal year to fiscal styled reports. Now, fiscal year is consistently returned during cited usage.
- Resolved issue of right-click Unhide not working in the Styled Report Now the Unhide is fully functional to unhide hidden sheets.
- Resolved issue of visible HTML closing tag near bottom-left of Qvinci login screen. Removed unnecessary string of characters which had zero impact on functionality. Login screen is now consistently clear.
- Resolved issue of “=@” sometimes appearing in reports when they are hydrated. Reports are now clear of unintended symbols and contain only relevant information.
- Removed hard-coded 6 years from ReportStyler and added number of months to sync control.
- Resolved issue in Report Styler Column Chooser of date in the past date not being validated if manually entered. Past date is now consistently validated.
- Updated build/deploy scripts to add the new GLRollUp service.
- Performed quarterly server/storage/security maintenance Q3 2022.
July 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Upgraded GrapeCity from V14.2 to V15.
- Changed to new license paradigm for GrapeCity V15 so it works seamlessly between test, stage, and live.
- Resolved issue of null formatting bug in report services clone methods so Charts are no longer broken.
- Upgraded GL Service to use Amazon Linux 2 prior to AWS retiring AWS Linux 1.
- Upgraded to the SCP logging tool to Linux 2 prior to AWS retiring Linux 1.
- Resolved issue of “&” symbol in Slicer causing Preview > Excel Exports & Package Excel assets to require a repair and lose slicers and charts.
- Enhanced user experience so that now hidden sheets in the Excel export of a preview can be unhidden in Excel exports.
- Enhanced print capability by ensuring Print Area of Page Setup is properly filled in so it can be saved even after a template is saved from the gallery.
- Resolved issue of Non-Financial Excel sync templates displaying a yellow security risk bar about macros and throwing unintended popup messages. Now, the security risk bar is appropriately red for a better user experience and no unintended popup messages are triggered.
- Styled report data validation is now accessible in Preview.
June 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Upgraded to QuickBooks Desktop March/2022 and enabled Qvinci to idle sync rather than having to auto sync.
- Enhanced user experience in the Styled Report Editor:
- Resolved issue of the custom date range in the Column Chooser throwing an error when reading in an existing macro from a cell.
- Column Chooser now displays friendly “There is an error…” warning when invalid macros are read in from cells.
- Column Chooser is now showing “Today” or “Date in the Past” when opening an existing macro that uses “Today” or “Date in the Past.”
- Revised gallery template date formats to assure proper date formatting when displayed, rendered to PDF, or exported to Excel.
- Enhanced content-security-policy script tags in the Login Controller and Create Groups to provide heightened security for users.
- Resolved Intuit/Synopsis issue by enabling ‘strict-dynamic’ with ‘nonce’ filters.
- Resolved issue of basic report pages hanging with a white screen while they are trying to make a connection to the stage database while developer is debugging with their local database and the stage database is offline.
May 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Resolved issue of Excel sync template data tabs not adjusting their fiscal years for non-January fiscal year users. Now, Excel sync template data tabs accurately adjust their fiscal years and sync data from all sheets, confirming with non-January fiscal year settings.
- Resolved issue of the ‘Add Child’ button sometimes disappearing if user clicks ‘Cancel’ when editing a SCoA account.
- Revised the rendering of ‘Add Child’ button to prevent additional loading of unnecessary script tags and to eliminate over-sized header being generated for large SCoA(s).
- Replaced Zendesk ‘Help’ button with a Qvinci ‘Help’ button that conforms with Intuit security guidelines and is validated on both front and back ends.
- Enhanced user experience by replacing the ‘Contact Customer Support’ link on the ‘Account/Payment’ page with a link to the Customer Success ‘Update Billing Information’ appointment page, expediting the overall process.
- Resolved issue of the Manage - > Files page locking, showing a “502 Bad Gateway” error, or not functioning optimally when there’s an extremely large number of files. Updated code logic and now works seamlessly.
- Enhanced user experience by more clearly showing which account is selected in ‘Map to SCoA’ function.
- Improved customer usability by adding aliases for “Sin especificar” and “Ingresos netos” so that Spanish expense by vendors reports and P&L reports will sync from Spanish versions of QuickBooks Online.
- Added the name of the nonexistent entity/account to the GetAccountID telemetry error message, making it easier for Customer Success to identity the root cause of missing entities or accounts in QuickBooks Online syncs.
- Performed quarterly server, storage, and security maintenance 2022 Q2.
April 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Resolved issue of session expiring without a timeout warning when working in the Report Editor.
- Enhanced Content-Security-Policy Header by eliminating use of specific script-src directives within the Qvinci CSP.
- Improved Qvinci’s ability to identify and troubleshoot BluSynergy billing issues by adding additional BluSynergy adapter logging capabilities.
- Published Weekly Rollup table to integrated services architecture framework so relevant data can be seamlessly tested locally and on Stage in preparation for merging into staging environment.
- Enhanced QuickBooks Online authorization errors in telemetry emails to more quickly identify customer sync and disconnect issues, as such greatly improving Customer Success response times.
March 2022
New Feature Releases
- Created 6 new reports for Qvinci’s enhanced Advisory Portal drill-down functionality
- Balance Sheet Fiscal YTD vs Prior Fiscal YTD
- Balance Sheet Last 3 Months vs Prior 3 Months vs Same Period Last Year
- Balance Sheet Last Month vs Prior Month vs Same Period Last Year
- P&L Fiscal YTD vs Prior Fiscal YTD
- P&L Last 3 Months vs Prior 3 Months vs Same Period Last Year
- P&L Last Month vs Prior Month vs Same Period Last Year
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Revised the Advisory Portal to use “Reporting” month instead of “Last” month to improve user experience by eliminating possible point of friction.
- Resolved issue of Advisory Portal miscalculating date range for the prior 3 months period. This functionality now accurately collects and calculates specified data.
- Enhanced UI by enlarging green Period Type button in the upper-right corner of the Advisory Portal, as such improving user experience by designing an easier-to-use dashboard.
- Resolved issue of timeout provoking a hard logout, terminating user sessions.
- Updated and replaced 17 auto-pinned reporting packages in the Pinned Tab after removing the older versions.
- Resolved issue of Single Entity report not hydrating a complete P&L because account values were showing when filtered to 2 or more entities, but not when filtered to each entity individually. Report now hydrates properly.
- Resolved BluSynergy CRM ErrorToAdmin ID issues by adding telemetry error e-mails when there are BluSynergy problems in Qvinci Web, which now expedites resolution.
- Performed quarterly server, storage, and security maintenance.
February 2022
New Feature Releases
- Developed expansive drill-down capabilities in the Advisory Portal so users can instantly click-through to reports, allowing the user to review granular data on the issue being researched.
- 6 reports were created specifically for Advisory Portal click-throughs.
- Each report has 2 tabs, the 1st for P&L and the 2nd for Balance Sheet.
- Each tab has an Account column and 2 data columns minimum that reflect the 2 reporting periods for the 5 comparison periods available in the Advisory Portal (Last Month vs Prior Month, Last Month vs Same Period Last Year, etc.)
- In sum, with 4 clicks of a mouse the user can
- Choose the reporting period
- Review the high-level data in the Advisory Portal
- Click through to the Advisory Analysis Card to review summary data
- Click through again to the underlying reports for the most granular data
- Click through to the General Ledger Activity and Journal Entry Management
- And more
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Resolved issue of GL click-through of child accounts with same name as parent not always working. Changed how we parse account names for QBD. Now GL click-throughs of such nature work as expected.
- Resolved issue where the GL click-through of distinctly named “-Other” accounts in unmapped reports showed extra GL rows populating from unrelated accounts of the same name, but from under a different account type. Relevant code was revised and “-Other” in unmapped reports now populates as intended.
- Resolved issue in unmapped reports where the GL click-through for “-Other” accounts didn’t show all the GL parent/child rows contributing to the “-Other” account. Now “-Other” includes only the account listed before it and only the relevant transactions populate.
- Resolved issue of the By Entity Trial Balance native report missing accounts due to upper/lower case differences in the same account across the files. Now user can run the BETB report using the same 2 entities and periods in Basic Reports and the relevant data will hydrate as expected.
January 2022
Bug Fixes / Feature or Functionality Enhancements
- Resolved SSL/TLS load balancer configuration issue by removing the 4 offending CBC cipher suites from Qvinci website. Now scoring an A+.
- Updated the Login controller to check that any redirect when posting to the login page is a local redirect. If not, deny login with red toast message. This is an added security measure to protect users from unintentionally navigating off-page during login process.
- Enhanced user security by limiting the special characters that can be entered into description field and by applying a Regular Expression validation. This heightened security measure prevents the passing of unauthorized 3rd-party code into the login process, further protecting Qvinci customers.
- Enhanced the Business Area Location controller. Now, regardless of if invoked from within the application or a manipulated URL, a permissions check is performed and, if it fails, the user is re-directed to a No Permissions page.
- Resolved issue of Designer initially loading with the green status bar rendering slightly off the bottom of the page. Now, upon initial loading, the green status bar loads fully on the bottom of page and is entirely visible, enhancing usability.
- Updated the layout of Designer so that the ‘Rename’ tab UI is unaffected by Firefox browser zoom levels, eliminating gaps triggered when users double-clicked the tab at 70% (and below) and 125% (and up). Zoom levels work as expected now.
- Reconciled micro-discrepancy between font options displayed and what was actually available in Chart Options. Now all fonts listed are available for use.
- Resolved issue of 2-color fill effect hydrating as black section via Preview, thus enhancing customer satisfaction by eliminating obstructed visibility.
- Resolved issue of Pattern Style and Pattern Color not hydrating via Preview, effectively simplifying user experience.
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