EBITDA is the acronym for "Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization."
EBITDA = Net Income + Interest + Tax + Depreciation + Amortization
Another way of looking at it is, how much money do I have before I pay out the 'ITDA' accounts? As such, the formula for creating EBITDA is simply, Net Income + Interest + Tax + Depreciation + Amortization = EBITDA.
Any formula can be added to a Report Template in Qvinci. The EBITA is one of those formulas. It is a matter of prepping the template so the user can see the accounts that make up the EBITDA calculation.
Since most of the templates that are created in Qvinci are driven by some variation of the %%accounts%% macro in the CoA/SCoA section, the user must actually call out the accounts that make up EBITDA, so that they are visible in the template. This means combining named accounts with the %%accounts%% macro.
Add Named Accounts
Step 1. Open a report template and migrate to the Account Type section where the "ITDA" accounts exist in the CoA/SCoA. Some may be in Expense, while others are in Other Expense, etc.
Step 2. In one of the sections, insert blank rows so you can key in the "ITDA" account names.
For example, in the below screenshot, we can see that this user tracks all "ITDA" accounts in the Other Expense section and they have inserted 4 rows where the account names have been typed in.
Step 3. Keep in mind that the account names must be keyed in exactly as they appear in the CoA/SCoA, depending upon whether this template is set to run with CoA or SCoA.
Step 4. The account names must be a perfect match on a naming convention. IE: if you key in "depreciation" but the account is actually called "Deprec. Exp" in the CoA/SCoA, then the financial amounts will not recognize the account that is listed.
Step 5. After all of the "ITDA" accounts have been added, make sure that some variation of the %%accounts%% macro appears on the last row in that section. This means the macro will autofill any remaining accounts into the template.
Step 6. Now add "EBITDA" to the bottom of the report and enter the formula, as seen below.
Step 7. As the financial data is populated during the preview or download of a Package, the EBITDA row receives its calculated values as well.
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