A user of XERO has these two issues to be aware of when syncing the accounting files to Qvinci:
- Realized/Unrealized currency gains in Qvinci reports
- Xero reports not matching Qvinci for multi-currency files
Realized/Unrealized Currency Gains in Qvinci Reports
The accounts realized currency gains and unrealized currency gains appear in Qvinci reports when a Xero file contains multi-currency transactions. These accounts display the gains or losses between currencies in a Xero file.
The realized currency gains reflects when a bill or invoice has been paid. The unrealized currency gains reflects money that is still outstanding. Both may be positive sums or negative sums, depending upon the currency conversion that took place for a transaction.
Xero Reports Not Matching Qvinci for Multi-Currency Files
Xero files that are multi-currency undergo currency conversion updates every hour. Therefore, when a user with a Xero multi-currency file syncs to Qvinci it is possible for financials to not match between the two reports after an hour's time has lapsed since the sync. This is because Xero updates currency conversion rates every hour. The user would need to resync the Xero file in order to update it in Qvinci. Accounts that are most likely to be affected by this discrepancy are AR, AP and Bank accounts.
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