The most current version of the Qvinci Sync Client is
However, if you're experiencing issues with your Qvinci Sync Client, the first step in troubleshooting is checking to see if you have the most recent version of the application. Constant use of the app should ensure the auto-update occurs. However, in case it doesn't, here is how you can check which version is installed.
How to Check Which Version of the Sync Client Is Installed
Step 1. Double-click the desktop icon.Step 2. In the System Tray at the bottom right-hand corner of your desktop, click the arrow to Show hidden icons of applications in your taskbar.
Step 3. Right-click the Qvinci icon.
Step 4. Click "Open Sync Client."
Step 5. The top bar on the Qvinci Sync Client shows the version of the software currently installed.
NOTE: If the Qvinci Sync Client is installed on a PC where you have admin rights to install programs, it should update automatically. If it doesn't, you can always install the most recent version. If you are in a hosted environment, you may need to contact an IT admin or your third-party host to upgrade to the most recent version.
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